Tuesday 28 June 2016

My country

Treaty on European Union 

Article 2
The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.

Article 3
2. The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, in which the free movement of persons is ensured in conjunction with appropriate measures with respect to external border controls, asylum, immigration and the prevention and combating of crime.

Thursday 23 June 2016

It is time...

Ok... keep calm.

The English People has decided to leave the European Union.
I do not really know what will happen.

This morning the comments on the news are full of resentment. Everybody says that the Brits will pay hard for what they have done. Maybe it's true. Maybe (probably) we will all pay hard.

It hasn't been a good choice for the UK. It is not in their economical or political interest. It doesn't make sense. Why they have done it?

It looks like an ideological statement: " we want to go back a Century and be a real Great Britain again."

But time doesn't go back. The United kingdom of today is a small country, not the centre of the world. The British Empire is dead.

Maybe it is time to say that aloud and clear: the age of imperialism is finished

Scotland is Europe and has to have its place back in the European Union.
Gibraltar is Europe and has to have its place again in the European Union.

Las Islas Malvinas (also called Falkland by the English People) are not member any more of the European Union... they are American. It is time to open the discussion again.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Britain First!

A British patriot has killed Jo Cox, a Labour MP open to immigration and in favour of the European Union.
When somebody finally will write "The Black Book of Nationalism" it will be very, very long.

I expect the old lady Elizabeth II to say something about this.

Last year the Scottish independentists had a long and peaceful campaign against the old British Imperialism. One of the "good reasons" that the English used to convince the Scots not to leave the United Kingdom, was that it would have been impossible for an indipendent Scotland to be recognised as a member of the European Union.

Today, very soon, England will probably leave the Union. Tomorrow the Scots will be independent from the old British Empire, and a welcome member of the European Union.

And Gibraltar too.

Sunday 5 June 2016

E' passato quasi un anno... un anno fa sembrava che l'Europa giocasse la sua esistenza sulle riforme economiche e sul debito Greco.
Il problema era (ed è) grosso. Ma era un problema "interno" all'Europa: un problema le cui radici affondano sulle idee profonde che fanno da pietre angolari alla casa comune europea. Un problema doloroso, ma su cui stava a noi europei decidere. Tutto sommato sembrava una situazione comprensibile e razionale.
E ora qualcosa è cambiato: abbiamo sentito il sapore diffuso del terrorismo, la povera gente che scappa non ci dà più solo fastidio ma ci fa paura, l'Europa è piena di muri e siamo ad un passo dal referendum sull'uscita della Gran Bretagna dall'Unione.
E per di più siamo peggiori e più confusi di sempre. Siamo pronti a cedere dignità in cambio di sicurezza e a transigere sui valori... anzi non sappiamo neppure quali siano i nostri valori. Siamo abituati ai morti quotidiani...a migliaia. Ci siamo rimasti male per un po', ma poi, insomma, ci abbiamo già fatto l'abitudine.
Mi sembra che i problemi ci siano scappati di mano. E che le domande e le risposte siano scappate dalle nostre teste.
Che stanchezza!